The Tradewell Fellowship: for Tomorrow’s Healthcare Planners and Designers

April 28, 2023

A fast-track to career advancement to design, build, and heal through collaboration with clients and thought leaders


The Tradewell Fellowship offers aspiring healthcare architects exceptional career-building opportunities. Named in honor of the late Gary Tradewell, a former Medical Planner, it is the most established fellowship of its kind with over two decades of legacy and counting!

Fellows will be immersed in the field and have the opportunity to continue their education with an individual healthcare architecture research topic of their choice. Other benefits of the Tradewell fellowship include funding to attend a national conference of choice, direct involvement in client user meetings, and travel opportunities. By the end of their fellowship year, participants are well positioned for career advancement and leadership roles.

Tradewell Fellowship applications are typically due in early January of each year.


The Tradewell Fellowship offers me the unique opportunity to pursue my passion for designing healthcare spaces that improve the wellbeing of its users and allows me to join a rich history of fellows committed to mentoring and collaborating with others.

Ruben Zarate Jr. Tradewell Fellow

The Tradewell Fellowship presents an exceptional opportunity for me to engage with leading professionals in the healthcare design sector, working collectively to prioritize human well-being within architectural design. By embracing thought leadership and a commitment to design excellence, I will be able to leverage the power of ‘healing through design’ to advocate for people’s health as well as our planet’s health.

Kimia Erfani Tradewell Fellow


Guidance and Inspiration

Since the establishment of the Fellowship, five successive Curators have advanced Gary Tradewell’s vision of healing environments, collaborative design, mentorship, and knowledge sharing. The Curator is responsible for mentoring the Fellow, coordinating project assignments, and organizing Tradewell events and deadlines, and representing the Fellowship within and outside the firm. Each Curator embodies the firm’s commitment to excellence through guiding and inspiring tomorrow’s thought leaders.

Join the Legacy

The Tradewell Fellowship is a unique program which encourages motivated young professionals to create their own career path and contribute original research to the profession. Articles or chapters by past Fellows have appeared in publications including Design for Critical Care: An Evidence-Based Approach, Designing for Multidisciplinary Rounding Practices in the Critical Care Setting, and Society for Critical Care Medicine’s Guidelines for Intensive Care Unit Design.