Exploration without limitations

Health Forward

Health Forward is a collaborative convergence of industry leaders, clients, partners, and Page experts thinking what's possible for the future of healthcare. Together, we're imagining bold design solutions in an ever-evolving health landscape. Will you join us?

I love the symposium and the fact that it brings in perspectives from the advisory board, physicians, and industry experts – it’s broadening the horizon. It’s very critical for us to have this dialogue on the future of healthcare and start implementing it in our design because what we design now is going to stay for 50 years.

Gaurav “GK” Khadse Texas Children’s Hospital

The Good Patient Room

What's next for patient room design? Tune in for Joan Albert’s and SSR’s Zac Hillyard’s take on how advanced technology — from ambient intelligence and telehealth to artificial intelligence and augmented reality — is revolutionizing healthcare.

Listen to the Podcast

What’s New

autonomous vehicles (AVs)
AI image of patient room
Tushar Gupta at HealthForward Symposium

I love the symposium and the fact that it brings in perspectives from the advisory board, physicians, and industry experts – it’s broadening the horizon. It’s very critical for us to have this dialogue on the future of healthcare and start implementing it in our design because what we design now is going to stay for 50 years.

Gaurav “GK” Khadse Texas Children’s Hospital

Exploration Without Limitations

Designers generate forward-thinking design solutions related to five topics

Humanizing Technology

How can design balance breakthrough advancements in technology with the human touch?

Redefining Delivery

How can design redefine our healthcare infrastructure to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and convenience?

Engaging Our Communities

How can design encourage healthcare’s partnership with the communities and provide medical services, education, and support for healthy living?

Stewarding Sustainable and Resilient Healthscapes

How can design enhance healthcare’s capability in the face of adversity while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future?

Promoting Intellectual Collisions

How can design unlock the full potential of cross-collaboration among healthcare providers, students, researchers, and industry?

We hear from futuristic thought leaders in our industry and as designers, we start to think outside the box and share ideas about how we deliver and receive care. We look at designing the overall patient experience with a different lens. Very early on in the process, this integrated mindset guides our solutions.

Jessica Petro
Jessica A. Petro Landscape Architecture Director


Tushar Gupta

Healthcare Market Sector Leader

Joan Albert

Regional Healthcare Director

Lawrence Hanrahan

Director of Healthcare

Robert McClure

Design Director

Tushar Gupta

Contact Us

Tushar Gupta
Market Sector Leader, Healthcare
