Why Diversity Matters: Perspectives on Black Representation in the AEC Industry

featuring Meaghan A. Williams

February 27, 2024

Meaghan A. Williams

When younger generations can see themselves in a successful person they relate to, whether a TV personality, chef, or architect, it only increases their motivation to pursue the career that inspires them.

Across the entire AEC industry, fewer than 2% of U.S. architects and 3% of U.S. designers currently identify as Black. In U.S. commercial real estate firms, only 7% of all full-time employees are Black. Page is a longtime supporter of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives that educate and inform minority students of all ages about the many opportunities available to them in architecture, engineering, construction, design, and beyond. The earlier they discover that they can be part of this vibrant and diverse community, the sooner they can pursue their dreams without hesitation.

We sat down with Meaghan for a brief Q + A:

Why did you attend an HBCU?
It’s a melting pot of personalities and backgrounds. You feel like you’re in a very safe space. It’s empowering to have been educated at Prairie View – it’s smaller than most, so you get that intimate setting. It’s like a family.

Describe the value of career fairs.
It’s important to scout at HBCUs because there aren’t a lot of people who look like me in this industry. I graduated from Prairie View in 2020 and found out about Page through a diversity career fair.

Meaghan is on the design team for Midway East River, a sprawling mixed-use redevelopment site near downtown Houston.

Why do diverse perspectives matter?
Many Black people don’t think about going into architecture. It starts with children in grade school, showing them that yes, Black architects exist. I have a cousin who now wants to major in architecture. We need a larger presence in this industry.

Who is your biggest inspiration or champion?
My first professor, Professor O’Kellough, was my mentor who saw a spark in me. When I chose architecture as my major, there was less than 1% of Black women in this career field. I felt it was important for me to excel.

How does it feel to make an impact in the AEC industry?
It feels amazing to come back on the other side [at a career fair] because you see the fresh faces and remember you were once in that position. I want to see more Prairie View alumni at Page in the future.

Meaghan A. Williams
